Led by President Tim Sands in 2015, Beyond Boundaries: A 2047 VISION culminated in a generational visioning process to position Virginia Tech as an internationally recognized land-grant university that strategically addresses world-wide challenges and opportunities that will impact the university of the future. Integral to this transformation is Virginia Tech’s continued commitment to Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), academic excellence, and world-class research.
In 2023, President Tim Sands engaged Beyond Boundaries co-chairs and key members of the campus community in partnership with the Virginia Tech Office for Strategic Affairs to revisit the original Beyond Boundaries: A 2047 Vision and identify potential opportunities for realignment to both the realities of the world and the current strategic initiatives of Virginia Tech.
The Beyond Boundaries vision continues to be guided by the same two goals of advancing as an internationally recognized land-grant university and strategically addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing landscape of higher education. The updated report streamlines the original vision into three areas of focus: Future of Learning, Future of Research and Discovery, and Future of Engagement.

Click to open the PDF of the updated report
2024 Updated Report